Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Radical Islam: To be Proud or Shy about?

Extremist, aren’t we muslims Popular by that word. so what some of you may say that, but still, really don’t you get affected by Extremism in our religion? Now a days every time an immoderate things happens-inside Islam, simply the Blame goes to Radical groups of Islam. yeah so what these Radical Group had done so far that each time a Wrong Muslim is Tagged as “Radical Islamist or extremist”"??? i think after few Days there will be a new definition of Extremist in Dictionaries…yes “The Extreme Islam Follower” ohk, doesn’t matter it…Radical Islam now a days is set on Target, now a days, its the new born Popular word i guess!! Media is all over with fundamentalist,may be they have realised that Fundamentalism is no more harsh word to represent and Interpret Islam.The thing is now Trade is changing fast now a days, still somethings can never be left at last its all over when it comes to the Hottest topic of world.

Now what does this Radical have to take with Islam??? All the Terrorists and all the dust layer that exists in Islam are termed as Radical Islamist, what makes me often laugh more is they took up few Showy Mullahs who have no or some knowledge of Islam takes their statement and Term it as Core ISLAM-ist…don’t they make u laugh too??? but also someone has truly said about these people “Little knowledge is always Dangerous” but why do they call up such people as “Radical Groups” its always easy to hunt for a Buffalo rather hunting down Lion. same is the case with them.You know what if you’ll Issue a Fatwa and call yourself “Shaykh-ul-Islam”(Doesn’t matter friends though you have’nt knowledge of penny in Islam) you’ll be Telecasted directly next day on Television and your Interview might be published to next important page whatsoever it may be after the Front page; you’ll be tagged as “Radical Islamist” but don’t try this friends chuck up this Idea.

Enough now let us be back on to the business,to our discussion topic. The Words which had its own respect like Mullah, Maulvi seems to be Abusive words now. Whose fault is this ???

The Prophet (peace be upon him), said: “The ulema are the lights of the earth, and the successors of the prophets, and heirs to me and other prophets.”

Were Maulvis and Mullahs not able to keep up wid there Identity, image and representation they owned???or simply now a days Media is all so is enough smart and wise to mark all Mullahs and Maulvis as Impudent?indeed friends u know what this doesn’t matter what i think is only we failed to make our identity safe from politics instead we always got into there web as much as we tried to come out of that more were we stucked. but did really we tried to come out of the web?? did we??? no friends we didn’t tried it, some muslims were always there to try. not, not the efforts of whole community were put into efforts.

All Muslims are today easily targeted for every task they perform they are questioned on there Identity, Each time Fatwa is issued,criticisor comes mould it into there words and call it as it was directly coming from Heart of Islam.then some muslims for they love to be called by the word “Secular” writes few articles and they think we are saved by the blame put by any Aalim. But we need to see the intentions of Media. take example of Last most criticised Fatwa of Darul-uloom Deoband, The report of Times of India reportes as follows:-

==>“Darul Uloom Deoband, the self-appointed guardian for Indian Muslims, in a Talibanesque fatwa that reeked of tribal patriarchy, has decreed that it is “haram” and illegal for a family to accept a woman’s earnings”"

Now you’ll shocked to know why Fatwa was issued and how it was moulded into words by above article.The person who wanted the Fatwa asked.

“”Is it unlawful for a Women to work in enviroment where she had to interact frequently with opposite sex???”"

in response Darul-uloom responded…

It is unlawful for Muslim women to work in the government or private sector where men and women work together and women have to talk with men frankly and without a veil,” said the fatwa.”

The tone and the choice of words is what journalism professor would describe as “editorializing the news.” It was all set as it is what Core Islam represents and it was issued by none but Radical Islamist,The newspaper managed to accomplish what it set out to achieve Shock, offend and outrage its large readership that includes Muslims, encouraging more and more people to buy the newspaper or visit its website. interestingly they were successful in what they wanted till few days, mails of Secular Muslims were published in editorial page criticising Fatwa and Radical Islam.

Friends we all should pe proud to be part of Radical or Core Islam. what is needed is to change the identity of this word Radical. we all true muslims make Radical Part, it’s not the word to represent any Mullah or Maulvi. we all struggle in our Day to day life friends, so we all form Core of it.why should we be Shy to call by that word, we are proud to be that.because we know only Extreme Islam is solution for problems of you, I and we. we don’t have a single principle wrong. though we all stand united, against terrorism and condemn it fully. what is to be done is to interpret Extreme Islam in a manner so each of the criticisor may understand, yes we are Radical Islamist we are proud of that. want to end this by the lines.


1 comment:

  1. Well said and well framed.

    jazakAllah for this share brother. :)

    Pen more and more.
